Friday, October 19, 2012

Reading Notes (10/22-10/28)

Reading Notes (10/22-10/29)

Reading 1:

-Lays out basic cheatsheet for tags within HTML creation and editing
-Provides basic details for tagging within areas such as the header, text, formatting, forms, graphical elements, and inserting links

Reading 2:

-Stands for HyperText Markup Language
-Structured around series of markup tags
-Usually tags are structured in pairs to open and close, or begin or end
-Web Browsers read and translate HTML into graphical interface
-On 5th Generation of HTML although it isn't in heavy use
-<!DOCTYPE> is tag which allows decoding of reading of page
-HTML can be edited with third party software from companies such as Microsoft and Adobe
-An HTML element is everything from the start tag to the end tag including displayed information
-HTML can have empty elements
-Attributes are additional information included in tags during creation process
-Attributes are always contained in the start tag and should always be in quotes
-Headings are defined by <h1> and are numbered in order of priority
-Paragraphs are defined by <p> and may also contain line breaks
-Formatting is used to make text alterations such as bold <b> or italics <i>
-Hyperlinking is defined by <a> and often contains additional attributes
-Cascading Style Sheets are used to emphasize syntax within a production
-Images are defined with <img> and often come from internet resources
-Tables are created with <table> or <tr>
-Lists can be created with structure or not <ul> or <sl>
-Layouts of HTML webpages are a collection of the previously mentioned tags ordered through <div> tags
-Colors are coded though RGB codes
-These codes are separated by name or code value
-URL is the link to an HTML page

Reading 3:

This chapter of Web Development with SAS by Example expands on the basic topics in the previous reading, giving an in-depth explanation of the processing and in-depth examples and templates of how an HTML production should look during creation.  Provided as well are graphical outputs showing how the actual code and tags connects to the visual interface of the web browser, giving the student/user a good look at how to effectively encode an HTML page.  Also explained within are the differences between XHTML and HTML and their uses and procedures, as well as the effectiveness of various media formats, such as .gif, .png, .wmv within the interface.  Again, coupled with the previous resource, these are the foundation for understanding and implementing HTML.

Reading 4: Goans, D., Leach, G., & Vogel, T. M. (2006). Beyond HTML: Developing and re-imagining library web guides in a content management system. Library Hi Tech, 24(1), 29-53.

T    This text examines the usage of HTML within Content Management Libraries through a series of case studies.  Starting with pre-HTML, low security library systems, the article goes on to analyze the benefits of HTML in such a system.  In building a CMS, it will focus on managing the day to day activities of reference in the library web guide, including titles, subjects, authors, etc.  The main question presented is whether to use a commercial structure or an in-house production.  The benefits of commercial CMS are their efficiency, but the main drawback are high costs for third party software and IT managers.  For in-house productions, the costs are much lower, however there is a less refined feel and understanding when it comes to the final production.  The case study focused on in this article is the implementation of a HTML CMS at Georgia State University, starting in 2002.  They focus on their use of proprietary Microsoft MySQL Software which provides an intricate networking of programming and code that makes up their CMS.  The example of GSU provides a template, the case study states, showing the development and evolution of the program, going from a relatively basic structure to an intricate system of reference management with a complex virtual interface.  The authors contend that this model can be used for other, less funded institutions to create their own CMS without ridiculous expenditures.

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