Friday, November 2, 2012

Reading Notes (11/4-11/10)

Reading Notes 11/4-11/10

Reading 1 -

-XML stands for Extensible Markup Language
-XML allows users to bring multiple files together
-Provides processing control information to supporting programs, such as web browsers
-Has no predefined set of tags
-Can be used to describe any text structure (book, letters, reports, encyclopedias, etc)
-Assumes documents are composed of many "entities"
-Uses markup tags to allow readers to more easily understand document components
-Most tags have contents, although empty tags can serve as placeholders
-Unique Identifier attributes allow communication between two separate parts of document
-Can also allow for incorporation of characters and text outside of standard databases
-Can identify tables and illustrations and their positioning
-XML was developed for easier navigation and storage in databases

Reading 2 -

-XML 1.0 is the base XML technology, building on UniCode
-Defines strict rules for text format and allows Document Type Definition (DTD)
-Only the english production is considered standard
-XML 1.1 fundamentally alters the definitions of characters to allow them to adapt to changes in unicode specification
-Also provides for normalization of characters by referencing the character model of the World Wide Web 1.0
-XML is based on the Standard Generalized Markup Language
-Article provides sections giving third party internet tutorials
-XML Catalogs is used to set guide for XML entity identifiers defined by their Uniform Resource Identifiers
-URI is similar to web browser URLs
-Namespaces in 1.0 is a mechanism for universal naming of elements and attributes
-Namespaces in 1.1 updates to support for URIs
-XML Base increases efficiency of URI resolution
-X Link provides ability to express links in XML Documents
-Schematron provides a top down management method for users

Reading 3 -

-Schema describes structures of XML Documents
-Allows easy manipulation of XML language
-Simplifies Database

Reading 4 -

-HTML can not define content
-In terms of Syntax, XML is very similar to HTML in form
-DTDs define the structure of XML documents
-DTD elements are either terminal or nonterminal
-Unlike HTML links, XML can be two-way
-THe Extensible Stylesheet Language is a form of template
-XML Schema works on replacing DTDs and defines datatypes
-XML is so important and popular because it is very versatile more like a family of languages than a single structure

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